Geotechnical Services for Torrance Transit Park and Ride Regional Terminal, Phase I-Rough Grading (Phase 1: 2016-2017; Phase 2: 2018-2022)

The City of Torrance constructed a Transit Park and Ride Regional Terminal to create a strategically located, multi-modal facility that met the regional needs of South Bay residents. Phase I of the project included performing rough grading at the site, which was about 7 acres of undeveloped land located at 465 Crenshaw Boulevard, dedicated to the Transit Terminal. GAI was selected for geotechnical services, grading observation, and soils field and laboratory testing for different components of the project, including proposed one-story and proposed two-story building, bus platform, canopies, and pavement of the designated areas.
GAI continued working on Phase II and performed geotechnical observation, engineering, and materials testing. The project was completed in 2022.
LOCATION: Torrance, CA
AGENCY/CLIENT: City of Torrance