Geotechnical Investigation for Quadrant III Water Main Replacement at Various Locations (2018)

The project included the design and construction of the Quadrant III Water Main Replacement comprising 13 segments. The project required the replacement of the 8-inch diameter Class 200 PVC piping, located approximately 4 to 5 feet below the ground surface. The length of all the piping segments used for this project roughly totaled a length of 7,500 feet.
GAI provided geotechnical investigation services. Our engineering team performed a preliminary study on the designated streets. The scope of services included: a total of 14 borings were conducted, based on the length of the waterline of the project as well as the type and the number of lanes for each street being worked on; site reconnaissance, evaluation of the general site conditions, and marking the proposed boring locations for underground utility clearance; conducted fourteen 20-foot deep exploratory borings at the proposed locations within the project length using a truck-mounted hollow stem drilling rig, and sampling at 5 feet intervals, for the substrata profile determination; performed laboratory tests on selected soil samples obtained from the exploratory borings; reviewed the field data and the laboratory test results, performed engineering analyses, and prepared the final geotechnical evaluation report for the site, which included the findings and recommendations for the design and construction of the proposed development.
AGENCY/CLIENT: City of Chino