Geotechnical Investigation and Soils and Materials Testing and Inspection for Construction of New Classroom Buildings at Four Different Campuses (2017)
In early 2017, Lennox School District selected GAI as their geotechnical engineering consultant and DSA-approved testing and inspection laboratory to conduct a geotechnical investigation and during construction testing and inspection for four new one and two-story classroom buildings to be designed and constructed in four different campuses.

The district’s proposed new construction consisted a 2-story, 10-classroom building located at Buford Elementary School Campus (approx. 8,064 sf. footprint area), a 2-story, 10-classroom building located at Felton Elementary School Campus (approx. 8,010 sf. footprint area), a 2-story, 10 classroom building located at Lennox Middle School Campus (approx. 14,450 square foot footprint area), and a 1-story classroom building at Lennox Academy (LMSTA Charter) High School.
GAI performed a total of 15 borings to explore soils stratification and properties. We also conducted several percolation tests at each site, to address infiltration capacities of soils underlying the project area. GAI also provided during construction soils and materials testing and inspection services.
LOCATION: Los Angeles County, CA
- Jefferson Elementary School Telecommunications Facility (Soils and Materials Testing and Inspection Services)
- Jefferson Elementary School-Sound Attenuation (Soils and Materials Testing and Inspection)