Geotechnical Investigation Testing for Bond Measure E Culverdale Elementary School Expansion Project (2022)
The project included the construction of a new one-story Multi-Purpose Room (MPR) building and expanded food service/kitchen space, reconfiguration of the existing MPR into Student Services Space, and improvements to arrival and wayfinding. The new MPR building will have an area of approximately 6,000 square feet. The proposed developments may include an infiltration system/facility for stormwater management, retaining walls, freestanding shade structures/canopies, concrete-pedestrian/vehicular paving, and light poles. GAI provided a geotechnical investigation for the project which included, evaluating the general site conditions, conducting four exploratory borings at the proposed locations within the footprints of the proposed developments using a truck-mounted hollow-stem auger drilling rig and sampling periodically, performing one percolation test at the location specified by the district performing laboratory testing on selected soil samples obtained from our exploratory borings, reviewing the field data and laboratory test results and performing engineering analyses, preparing a final geotechnical evaluation report for the site, which included our findings and recommendations for the design and construction of the proposed developments from a geotechnical point of view.
GAI is currently part of the district’s 3 to 5-year Geotechnical Services Pool and Materials Testing and Inspection Services Pool.
- New Music Room Buildings at Brywood and Meadow Park Elementary Schools (Geotechnical Investigation + Soils Testing and Inspection)