Geotechnical and Geohazard Investigation and Soils and Materials Testing and Inspection for New Gymnasium and Site Developments at El Segundo Middle School (2020-2023)
The project included the design and construction of a new 14,000 square feet footprint gymnasium building, new basketball courts, new parking areas, retaining walls, and bleachers at the El Segundo Middle School. GAI performed geotechnical and geohazard investigations, field exploration, laboratory testing, office engineering, and the final report for the design and construction of the project. GAI also provided field monitoring, testing, and inspection for this project.
LOCATION: El Segundo, CA

- El Segundo Middle School Band Room and Multi-Purpose Room (Soils and Materials Testing and Inspection)
- El Segundo Middle School Science Lab Classroom (Soils and Materials Testing and Inspection)
- El Segundo High School New Band and CBI Building Project (Soils and Materials Testing and Inspection)
- Center Street Elementary School Drop-Off Lane Improvements (Pavement Engineering + Soils and Materials Testing and Inspection)
- New 2-story Classroom Building for Richmond Street Elementary School (Geotechnical Investigation and Geohazard Evaluation + Soils and Materials Testing and Inspection Services)
- Richmond Street Elementary School Corridor Project (Laboratory Testing)
- El Segundo High School Music and Orchestra Building (Geotechnical Investigation)
- El Segundo High School Library Modernization (Materials Testing and Inspection)
- Center Street Elementary School Shade Structure (Geotechnical Investigation)
- Richmond Elementary School Shade Structure (Geotechnical Investigation)
- El Segundo High School Shade Structure (Geotechnical Investigation)
- Stair Modification at Richmond Elementary School (Materials Testing and Inspection Services)
- El Segundo High School HVAC Project (Materials Testing and Inspection Services)