Geotechnical and Geohazard Investigation and Soils and Materials Testing and Inspection Services for Leffingwell Elementary School Admin Building Renovation (2021-2023)
The project involved the renovation of the Administration Building with associated site improvements. The project included the construction of additions to the building with areas of approximately 325 and 335 square feet for the west and east portions, respectively, as well as new hardscape and fixtures.
GAI provided a geotechnical and geohazard investigation for this project. Our team performed a site reconnaissance, conducted two exploratory borings at the proposed locations, performed laboratory testing, reviewed the field data and laboratory test results, and performed engineering analyses, and prepared a final geotechnical evaluation report for the site.
GAI also provided during construction geotechnical and materials inspection and testing and performed continuous and periodic inspections.
LOCATION: Whittier, CA
- Ceres Elementary School Modernization (Soils and Materials Testing and Inspection Services)
- Ceres Elementary School Portables (Geotechnical Investigation and Geohazard Evaluation + Soils and Materials Testing and Inspection Services)
- Mulberry Elementary School Portables (Geotechnical Investigation and Geohazard Evaluation)
- Orchard Dale Elementary School Portables (Geotechnical Investigation and Geohazard Evaluation)
- Laurel Elementary School Portables (Geotechnical Investigation and Geohazard Evaluation)
- Leffingwell Elementary School Portables (Geotechnical Investigation and Geohazard Evaluation + Soils and Materials Testing and Inspection Services)
- Hillview Middle School Portables, Science Building, and Parking Area (Geotechnical Investigation and Geohazard Evaluation + Soils and Materials Testing and Inspection Services)
- Granada Middle School Portables (Geotechnical Investigation and Geohazard Evaluation)
- East Whittier Middle School Portables (Geotechnical and Geohazard Investigation)
- Leffington Elementary School Interim Housing (Soils and Materials Testing and Inspection Services)
- Granada Middle School-PS&E for Parking Lot
- Orchard Dale Elementary School Modernization Project (Geotechnical Investigation and Geohazard Evaluation)
- Evergreen Elementary School Modernization Project (Geotechnical Investigation and Geohazard Evaluation)