Geotechnical Engineering Investigation and Geohazard Evaluation and Geotechnical Monitoring for Proposed Beatty Middle School Locker Building (2020-Ongoing)
The project included constructing a locker room building of approximately 5,400 square feet. The new one-story building replaced five portable classroom buildings located at the west segment of the campus. Other improvements included concrete flatwork and utility lines.
GAI performed a geotechnical investigation and geohazard evaluation for the project. and prepared a final geotechnical evaluation report for the site which included our findings and recommendations for the design and construction of the project from a geotechnical point of view. GAI is provided during construction geotechnical monitoring services.
LOCATION: Buena Park, CA
- Beatty Middle School New Parking Lot (Soils and Materials Testing and Inspection Services)
- Pendleton Elementary School New Administration Building and MPR Modernization (Soils and Materials Testing and Inspection Services)
- Whitaker Curb Appeal Project (Soils and Materials Testing and Inspection Services)
- MPR Modernization of Four (4) Elementary Schools (Soils and Materials Testing and Inspection Services)
- Geotechnical Services for Five (5) Elementary School Campuses (Soils and Materials Testing and Inspection Services)