Pavement Engineering for the Intermodal Transportation Facility West (ITF West) Landside Access Modernization Program Automated People Mover (APM) Project (2018-2020)
This mega-sized pavement project included two Intermodal Transportation Facility (ITF) rotaries and parking lots for commercial vehicles, as well as numerous roadway constructions within and up to two (2) miles east of the airport.
GAI performed a thorough pavement investigation for ITF West’s various roads including Century Blvd., A St., 96th St., West ITF Rotary & Parking Lot, D St., Arbor Vitae St., Alley East of Airport Blvd., some of which were to be reconstructed and others to be constructed.
GAI evaluated the thicknesses of existing pavement sections and subgrade soil conditions. Based on findings from the exploratory work, our team provided recommendations for the design and construction of the rotaries and parking lots for commercial vehicles, as well as numerous roadways within and outside of the airport. The project was under the jurisdiction of LAWA and the City of Los Angeles. The Bureau of Engineering (BOE) was one of the reviewing agencies. Our scope of work included site reconnaissance; marking the proposed boring locations for underground utility clearance in collaboration with the LINXS surveying team; conducting twenty-one exploratory borings using truck-mounted hollow stem drilling rig sampling at approximately 2.5 feet intervals; measuring the thicknesses of the existing asphalt concrete and aggregate base sections and determining the presence of pavement fabric at each location; collecting relatively undisturbed samples and bulk samples of the encountered aggregate base and subgrade materials; laboratory tests; and preparing final pavement engineering reports.
AGENCY/CLIENT: Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA)/LAX/HNTB Corporation
LOCATION: Los Angeles, CA