Geotechnical and Geohazard Investigation, and Soils and Materials Testing and Inspection for Modernization of Leuzinger High School Athletic Fields and Facilities (2020-2023)
The project involved the renovation/reconstruction/modernization of the athletic fields and facilities at Leuzinger High School for the Centinela Valley Union High School District, which included synthetic turfs for the ballfields, football field, running track, and soccer field, and sports courts.
GAI provided geotechnical and geohazard investigation for the design and construction of the project. The scope of work included a field exploratory program, laboratory testing, office engineering, and a final report. A total of 13 borings and three percolation tests were conducted, and our work was completed in five weeks.
GAI also provided during construction geotechnical and materials inspection and testing for this project. Our work included field inspection and testing for soils, concrete, masonry, welding, NDT testing, and laboratory testing for soils, concrete, and masonry.
LOCATION: Lawndale, CA
- Leuzinger High School Phase III-Historic Main Building and Media Center Modernization (Geotechnical Investigation and Geohazard Evaluation + Soils and Materials Testing and Inspection Services)
- Lawndale High School Athletic Field and Gymnasium (Geotechnical Investigation and Geohazard Evaluation + Soils and Materials Testing and Inspection Services)
- Leuzinger High School Girls Gym Modernization (Soils and Materials Testing and Inspection Services)
- Leuzinger High School Gym Weight Room Retaining Wall (Geotechnical Investigation)
- New Construction at Hawthorne and Lawndale High Schools (Geotechnical and Geohazard Investigation)
- Construction of a New Student Service Building at Lawndale High School (Soils and Materials Testing and Inspection Services)
- Construction of a New Free-Standing Marquee at Leuzinger High School, Lawndale High School, Hawthorne High School, and Lloyd High School (Soils and Materials Testing and Inspection Services)